Friday, November 6, 2015

Questions of the Temporarily Injured

Why are toilet seats so low?
Why is the purse hook 4 feet from the toilet in a handicapped bathroom?
Why is EVERYTHING so far away from EVERYTHING else?
Why is everything in a separate room; can't we just make one big room?
Why is there no handicapped spaces when you really need one?
Why are there so many stairs?
Why are my underwear still in their drawer?
 I almost fell 3 times; do I really need underwear today?
Why do the kids want to eat so much?
Why is sitting down so hard?
Why is getting up so hard?
Why do I forget to put on my jewelry before I walk into the kitchen?
Why do I have to pee so much?
Why do so many things require both hands?
Why is every room now a life and death obstacle course...especially the boy's room?

Do we really need to shower every day?
Do I really need a shower today?
Did I shower yesterday?
Do I really need to eat today?
Who knew boobs and sports bras made such a good team; you can carry just about anything in there!
When did standing become an olympic event?...this is challenging stuff!
No one really NEEDS to storm out of a room when angry anyway, right?
Where is everyone?
Where is anyone?
When did my feet get so far away; did my legs get longer?
What is comfortable again? sounds like a wonderful place.
Who knew you could actually get tired of watching television?
It hasn't been 500 years since I had surgery?...I could have sworn it had been.
Is this why toddlers are so angry?...because they can't do anything for themselves?
Am I a toddler?  I ask why a lot!

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